RED....I started thinking about some red things I like....
At first I thought about putting up a red apple, but since I really don't love red apples....I'm a golden delicious kinda girl....that didn't make sense. Then I thought about going back to school week after next, and though I am very thankful for my job and I do enjoy it, I'm dreading leaving my 4 month old, especially. (Not to slight my 6 and 9 year old, but they're used to this routine!) So no, that isn't something red I love right now.
So what do I love that is red?
How about a red sucker!! MMMMMMM, my favorite color sucker!!

What else do I like that is red??

I love red jelly beans....look at this lovely bowl of 'em, just waiting to be scooped up! And if I'm not mistaken that is a lone toasted marshmallow Jelly Belly in the bowl, another one of my faves. Even if it isn't red!
Hmmm....I absolutely LOVED my red Bravada....
Traded it in last summer, though we probably wouldn't have if we'd realized we were soon adding to the family! :) But alas...
Looking through my Photobucket, this lava lamp is pretty cool, too.....
I'm sure there are other red things I love, but since it is 12:15 am and I have been at Dollywood all day and will have a baby up before I know it wanting to eat, we'll end it there! Thanks for stopping by, and feel free to explore!