Tuesday, January 22, 2008

TMI Tuesday

1. What was your favorite book as a kid?

Oh gosh, I had so many favorites! One that comes to mind is Tell Me a MitziI had the book and the record, so I loved to listen to it, and when I read it aloud, I can't help but copy the way it was read to me on that record!

2. If you were stranded on that proverbial desert island (again!), what book or books (up to 5) would you want to have with you?

1. The Bible
2. The Red Tent
3. Dixie Before Disney
4. Starring Sally J. Freedman as Herself
5. The United Methodist Hymnal

3. What was the first "naughty" book you read and in what way was it naughty?

Forever, by Judy Blume. It was naughty because it talked about teenagers having S-E-X!

4. If you were to publish your autobiography today, what would be the title?

I like my boring life!

5. Would you rather look at nude pictures/pornography or read erotic fiction and why?

I think I'd rather read erotic fiction, cause I can create my own visual images!


Bella Dreamer said...

Nice answers! Happy Tuesday. :)

Mariposa said...

Cute answers!

Happy TMIT!

Robin said...

Loved Sally J. Freedman, loved her!!!! As for my playlist, I do need more Prince!!!! And yes, I'll go back and look for Dolly, Kenny, and oh yeah, some Alabama. :)

Rachel said...

I like your book title, it would grab my attention at the store!

Professor Fate said...

The girls are readers. The guys have been lookers.

Happy (very belated) TMI