Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Hello Yellow!

Jenny Matlock

Yellow...the color of sunshine, Mountain Dew, and a color that evokes brightness.

Here is a yellow avatar that I think describes me well...

And this blinky definitely describes me! LOL

I love the whimsy that this brings to mind! I'm looking forward to FALL and cooler temps!

I'm not as good at this as I used to be....too many jiggily parts that should stay still! LOL

This is more likely! HA!

Here's one of my favorite albums of all time! I love their yellow dresses, don't you? Here's a bit of trivia for great uncle (Neely Plumb) produced it!

So there was my interpretation of yellow for you! :)


Terra said...

Very cool yellow thoughts! And pics!

Sarah said...

Clever post on yellow! Still smiling about the last sign. ~ Sarah

Anonymous said...

I am addicted too. All the yellow objects are fun. The yellow dresses are so cool.

Unknown said...

Fun post about the uses of yellow!
Nice images too. Love the slip sign!
Best wishes,

Anna's images and thoughts about Yellow

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

I have too many jiggly parts, too. Cute post.

signed...bkm said...

Lovely and the Sound of Music tops it off...bkm

Jo said...

wonderful interpretation of yellow ... that sign is just too funny!

Natasha in Oz said...

I am loving all of these bright and cheerful yellow posts today! Your post was especially fun!

Best wishes,

Pondside said...

There was something about all your yellow bits and pieces that made me smile!

Lola said...

Love the last sign - such a clever post!

Happy AlphabeThursday Yellow,


PS Mine this week is OVER HERE! Hope you can stop by.

Susan Anderson said...

I understand the jiggly parts problem all too well...


Cheryl said...

Okay. How the heck did you make an avatar? I love that one to pieces. How do I make my own? Please?

Jenny said...

What a clever and fun post!

I really enjoyed your different twist on the color yellow. Your pictures were so fun!

Thanks for linking up to Alphabe-Thursdays Rainbow Summer School.

I always enjoy my visits here!


Kat said...

Cute post for yellow. I love that first button - so true!

Unknown said...

darling post...i think i am a bit of a caution sign when i dance as well! how neat your g.uncle was a part of the sound of music...i love that movie!

Teresa said...

What a cool piece of trivia about you. Love the music and the movie and the yellow dresses! What a fun yellow post!