Thursday, November 4, 2010

G is for....

Jenny Matlock

I'm back! I keep missing out on letters but I am back for today's Alphabe-Thursday! I'm trying to get a blog post in each day this month and am actually working a day or two ahead so far! Woo hoo for me!

So what is G for in my life? I couldn't think of anything right off, so I'll come up with a hodgepodge as I go, I suppose! The first thing that I thought of that I use daily is gmail! Here is my latest gmail theme, I love it! What do you think?!

It brings my mom to mind, because she lived in Japan for two years when she was a child!

G is also for girly! As a mommy who lives in a testosterone zone, I gotta keep my estrogen flowing, hence my pink blog and other girly things I like, like polka dots!

photo courtesy rachel_titiriga

I would totally love to wear these shoes!

G is also for goofy! That's one thing I love to be! My dear husband can be a goofball too, as is evidenced in this picture of him with Blue's ears on his head at our oldest son's 2nd birthday party!

We do love to have fun together!
G is also for grin! An old friend told me once that my smile took up half my face, and I like that! I like to think that I smile if you read this and disagree, either don't tell me or tell me I need to smile even more and I'll get the message! Here's a pic of me grinning at Blissdom '09...I was a little 'extra' happy that night! ;)

The most important g in my life is definitely God. Without him, I am nothing! When I keep my life centered on him like I should, everything goes much more smoothly! Now, this doesn't mean I think I'm better than anyone else or that I don't make mistakes, cause I do. it is by another g word that I am saved, by His grace! There's nothing I can do to make me worthy of His saving me and His love. I'm just a sinner who is trying to be better all the time.

So there ya go: my G post!


Sue McPeak said...

Gmail...very clever and Yes, you do have a very nice made me Grin, too.

Unknown said...

This post made me grin.

Anonymous said...

Loving the blue ears and your grin

Theresa Plas said...

Fun G's! Especially the girl time:)

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

Great grin, girl!

paige said...

I love the shoes and the grin!

mub said...

Great G words! I think being married to a goofball is awesome... at the very least it's never boring!

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Fun G post! What could be better than grin?

Jen said...

Great G words. Goofiness always makes me grin...well mostly!

Judie said...

This is such a sweet post! I loved your pictures, too.

Jennifer said...

Well, I think being married to a goofball is awesome.

Unknown said...

I love those shoes! Very girly indeed but also gorgeous :)

Jenny said...

Good Gracious, what a bunch of GGGGGreat G's!

Such a fun stop on our little journey through Alphabe-Thursday.

Love the shoes! Love the pictures of the shoes! Want to be the girl wearing the shoes in that setting!

But since it's your post, I'll let you wear one of the shoes and I'll wear the other!

Thanks for a smile and a great place to visit!
