I'm so excited! I've bought a new pair of boots, am working on getting my wardrobe choices, and am washing clothes like a madwoman in anticipation of the mountain of laundry I'll face when I get back home to my boys.
Still hating that I'll miss a b-ball game of Isaac's, but he's pretty understanding. Ooh, note to self: get him to call my daddy and ask he and mom to come see him play in my stead! He'll come if Isaac asks!
I'm triply excited. Here's why: This is the first overnight trip Robin and I have taken since we graduated from college in '95. Can you say nonstop laughter and fun?! Second, we're spending Thursday evening halfway there with another friend from college, Katye! We've been meaning for years to go see her, so now we're making it happen! And then of course the EVENT itself!
I'd be absolutely unable to contain myself this week was it not for 2 things:
1. Bus duty. Need I say more?? An extra hour of duty each day
2. First week of a student teacher. So I gotta be on my game!!
OK, Adam has done something with one of the Dish Network tvs, so I gotta get off here and help fix it!
have a blast at Blissdom!!! Since it is a blogging conference i hope all the bloggers that are going do lots of updates
So glad I get to see you there!!
Just dropping you a quick note to say it was lovely meeting you at Blissdom!
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