Friday, May 15, 2009

Flashback Friday--Keep on Movin'

When I hear this song, I'm back in my '85 Toyota Corolla driving down the Northwest Georgia back roads (like Georgia 2, which everyone locally called 2A for some reason!) with the bass turned way up, and the volume even higher! This is one of those memories that I only see in technicolor, if you know what I mean....I realized, even at the time, that it was good and that life would never be quite the same. It was the summer between my senior year in high school and my first year in college. I remember particularly one time listening to this song with my lifelong friend Carla riding with me! She had come down with my family to my graduation and my dance recital. That meant the world to me! Even today, though we don't get together nearly as much as I'd like, if we do get together, it is just like we left off yesterday. Rare are friends like that! I miss ya, Car Car!

So what about you? What's running through your head today? Come share!


PMKU said...

I don't think I've heard this song but I remember the group. Good times!

SoSew said...

Aww, that's sweet! I'm a little verklempt. I miss you, too!

Judy said...

I have no clue what this song is, hahhaha. I'm old.