Friday, July 11, 2008

One more Friday night.....

I can't believe that another week has f-l-o-w-n by! The boys attended another Bible school and really enjoyed it! I got to go out to eat with friends not once, but TWICE! Once with my boys and my first grade cohorts and their children, and then once with my buddy Robin! We even checked out a movie with the kids--Wall-E--which was really good!

We also have a sickly cat. I'm quite attached to my pets, even if I don't talk about them all the time. Gunnar came to live with us about a year ago when some friends had a change of housing plans. He quickly became a beloved member of the family. He was a rambunctious kitten! My arms had scratches on them for months. But before we knew it, he was a regular 'ol sleep most of the day Tom cat. Up until today! He wouldn't open his eyes, even to come up the steps or move to his favorite place to nap, Adam's bed. Chris wasn't that concerned, but I sure was, so off we went to the vet. He wasn't running a fever, but he definitely wasn't feeling well. His third eyelid was fully engaged and he was lethargic. She gave him some steroids and antibiotics and sent us home to watch him, and I'm taking him back in the morning. We've forced some liquids with a syringe, and Chris even got him to use the potty outside and look around a little bit. He's still not anywhere near 100%, though. I am encouraged that he moved his bladder, so we're getting enough liquid in him. I'm still worried though, and am not sure what we're facing tomorrow. I'm praying that he will perk up some by tomorrow morning!

Tomorrow, barring a rain storm or any other unknown factors, we SHOULD get our DirecTV installed. Keep your fingers crossed for us!


Misty said...

I certainly hope so! Sick pets are worse than sick children because they can't really communicate how they are feeling, or understand our soothing words.

Anonymous said...

Aww I hope your cat is feeling better today! AND I hope DirectTV gives you the hook up;)

Christi S said...

He's doing better!! I took him back this morning and he got another shot. He's still not wonderful, but he's perkier for sure! And the DirecTV people are installing as I type! Woo hoo!

Anonymous said...

Glad he's diong better and glad the DirectTV people did their job;)