Sunday, March 16, 2008

Love so amazing

We had a beautiful service at church today. We had the children come down the aisle with palm branches, then they laid them at the foot of the stand where the cross was later placed. It was carried down by 2 of my nephews while Via Dolorosa was played, which started the waterworks for me! Then we had a fantastic sermon, and we all took name tags that we had been given earlier and stuck them to the cross as a symbol of Jesus taking our places there. Very effective as far as I was concerned! I was crying already when my sister, who was leading children's church today, started leading the children down the aisle. I met the boys and helped them to place their name tags on the cross and then we knelt at the alter and prayed. By this point, the praise team was singing "Amazing Love", and I just sat with my boys beside me and let the tears flow.

My frustrations, my irritations, the areas in my life where I am not seeing the movement in the way I want.....all are nothing. Without the cross, without Jesus' sacrifice, I wouldn't even be here, much less have so many, many blessings. And my worries, my venting of my frustrations, do they further God's kingdom? No, they don't--and they don't deserve my attention and energy. Praise the Lord for Him showing me this today!

I usually post my more spiritually based thoughts in my other blog, but during this Holy Week, I will share them here, for my faith in Christ is so central to who I am, and I wouldn't be ME without HIM! Thanks be to God!

1 comment:

Misty said...

Truly beautiful post. And so true... They feel truly irrelevant in times like that.