Friday, January 4, 2008

'I AM' Bible Study Lesson One

I found an absolutely fantastic Bible Study online, and these are my answers to my first round of questions! Feel free to join in by clicking here!

1. Are there any circumstances or relationships in your life where you can see God has intentionally placed you? What do you perceive may be at stake if you do or do not speak out for Him?

Wow, this is a deep one. I do feel as though there are some youth that I have touched in the past and had been intentionally placed so that I could do so. I still struggle with how some of them have chosen to live their lives, but I am certain that I have touched them, and that they have been brought closer to the Lord through me. I am also certain that God chose the time and place for my husband and I to begin our relationship. Too many variables fell into place for it not to have been the work of God, in my opinion! In this circumstance, the things at stake are pretty overwhelming: Had I not followed God’s plan, I wouldn’t have married my best friend or given birth to my beautiful children!

2. Can you honestly describe yourself as a woman with a 'yes' in her spirit? If not, what keeps you from this?

Most of the time, yes I can…but there are times that the ‘yes’ isn’t in the forefront of my mind. There are times that I am sluggish and hesitant to give the Whole of myself to the Lord. I don’t think it is anything short of the Devil feeding my ego and selfishness when I am not willing to embrace what God wants me to do.

3. Do you recognize any circumstances in your life which could be described as an 'unrecurring event'? Have you ever said 'no' to one and watched God use someone else instead?

Hmmm, another tough one. Yes, now that I think about it, I am afraid so. I think that if I had followed what God was prompting me to do in relation to the Children’s Ministries in our church, things might have turned out differently. But the wonderful thing is that with the Lord, it is never too late to say yes! Circumstances may be different, but if I am open to His plan, I know He will put my willingness to good use.

4. Are you in an emotionally and spiritually healthy place? If yes, how are you using this freedom to minister to others? If no, what do you feel is holding you in your Egypt?

YES, blessedly, I am! There have been many more unstable times in my life than this! I feel I am using this freedom to minister to others in my online relationships, and possibly in some of my relationships with coworkers. But in other ways, I am being held in my Egypt. I am not stepping out of my comfort zone and think of others more than myself. I’m still not sure in what capacity I need to be used, but I can certainly pray about it and listen for His guidance!


Chris said...

I will alert my wife to this Bible study. Thanks for the heads up.

Misty said...

this sounds amazing!

bp said...

I have seen other bloggers who have participated. I want to when I finish the Bible study I'm doing now I think.