Monday, January 28, 2008

It's time for a giveaway!

*update* The giveaway is now closed! Check out later post for the winner! Thanks everyone for entering!


Are you ready for some fun and finding some awesome new blogs? Well, then you have come to the right place! It's time for the quarterly Bloggy Giveaways! Shannon over at Rocks in my Dryer is hosting this again, and man...there are already 400 giveaways listed! UNREAL!

As part of the fun, I am offering the cubic zirconia gold plated ring pictured here!

Isn't it pretty? I hope that someone will wear it and enjoy! It comes from the online store of a friend of mine, Heidi's Kozy Kabin. Stop by and tell her Christi sent ya! The ring retails for $14.

Now for how you can win this sweet little ring! Leave a comment on this post between now and Friday, February 1 at 10 pm EST. I will post the winner by 4 pm Saturday, February 2, so be sure to check back then! Please be sure to leave me a valid address so I can contact you! Unfortunately, I'll only be able to ship to U.S. addresses.

So let the blog fun begin! Hope we can all make some new friends through this week of fun, fun, fun!


Leni said...

Pretty! I'd love to wear that!

Geri said...

Thanks for the giveaway, how fun!!!!

Emily said...

Very pretty ring!

princesslimey (at) gmail (dot) com

Michelle said...

such a pretty ring!

Anonymous said...

Pretty bling bling!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Stop by my place to win a bath set & candles or one of two copies of a book I'm giving away.

Laura @ Laura Williams' Musings

Brenda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brenda said...

My three daughters or I would love it. My son would love to have it too, just for the position of power and bargaining. LOL
Have a blessed day.

dawn224 said...

I'd love a chance to win! Thanks! Dawn :)

(contact info - dawn at

Cylithria Dubois said...

wow I'll try

cylithria (at ) gmail (dot) com

Casey said...

Very pretty!

Casey said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

That is beautiful, I'll be happy to enter.

Angela said...

Very pretty, thanks!

Dorian said...

Very pretty!! Thank you.

Overwhelmed! said...

Count me in, please!

The Chatty Housewife said...

I would love this ring. It matches my wedding ring nicely so it would make a nice right hand ring. :)


Elaine/Muddling Through said...

What a nice giveaway! Enter me, please.

Anonymous said...

Pretty ring!

Zaankali said...

Please count me in.

United Studies said...

I love sparkly stuff! Please count me in, thanks!

Katie Swaner said...

That is very pretty. Thanks

Dawn said...

This is beautiful! Great idea for an original give-away!

black eyed susans kitchen said...

How very cool...a little bling never hurts a girl! Susan

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway, please enter me. thanks.

(jafarhie[at]yahoo[dot] com)

peg42 said...

Thanks so much for the great giveaway. Love this ring. Thanks again.

Wendy said...

Great giveaway! Count me in:)

Britni said...


M.E. said...

Great giveaway! I'd wear it, I like how it is simple. Enter me, too!

HilLesha O'Nan said...


Lissete said...

Lovely ring. I need a ring for my right hand!

Sassy_Canuk said...

Beautiful :) count me in Thanks!

Robin said...

love the ring it very nice

Liz said...

Cool! A fun ring to wear - and I don't have to worry about being robbed b/c of it!

Unknown said...

Oh wow! What a beautiful ring! Please include me!

Anonymous said...

Oh, how I love jewelry!

Re said...

Great contest! I want to win!!

Amanda Moore said...

What a beautiful ring, I would love to win it.

jayedee said...

ohhhhhh bling! love it!
awesome giveaway! please throw my name in the hat too! good luck everyone!

Bree said...

Ohh-please enter me! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, enter me please.

I have a giveaway on my frugal blog.

Maude Lynn said...

Very Cute!

Shannon said...

What a pretty ring! Include me in your drawing, please! :)

Deborah in Atlanta said...

Such a nice gift. Thanks!!! If I win, please contact me at dmj53 at hotmail dot com. Thank you.

Kim said...


ahiltz said...

What a lovely ring! Thanks so much for doing this!

natasha said...

Very Pretty! Thanks!

byoc said...

Gorgeous! I hope it is the size 6!

Sarah said...

What girl couldn't need some new bling!

Teri said...

Very pretty! I hope it would fit me! I have very tiny fingers!

SimplyBillie said...

What a great giveaway! I'd love to participate!

Rachie S. said...

Thanks for this great giveaway!

Whitney said...

That is a beautiful ring!! I love it!

Karin said...

A girl can never have too many rings! Thank you for the giveaway.

Snowbird said...

What a gorgeous ring. I would love to wear it.

Little Piddles said...

Who doesn't love jewelry. Very pretty ring:)

xashee's corner said...

oh it is sooo pretty!! looks just like my wedding band that i lost this past Thanksgiving day! it would be LOVELY to have a ring on that finger again lol Thank you for this FUN opportunity to win it! Have a GREAT day :D

racheariel said...

its beautiful!

Marcia said...

That's pretty!

Trina said...

Bling . . Bling . . This sounds Marvellous Darrrrrling . . . it would be an honored to win. Blessings ~ Trina

GiBee said...

Very pretty! Thanks for the chance to enter your drawing!

Anonymous said...

Please enter me!

Melanie said...

Yay for Jewelry!

charmed said...

What a great giveaway! Please enter me, arogers(at)gmail(dot)com

Hannah said...

Beautiful! Please, o please sign me up!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely ring...great giveaway. Thanks.

Don and Lisa Osborn said...

Great bling!

Anonymous said...

Love that!

Sahm Lee said...

Very pretty! Enter me please!

Anonymous said...

Pretty ring!

Unknown said...

I love rings. Count me in.

The Downtown Boutique said...

Very pretty. Please count me in.

Giabella Designs said...

OMG! so pretty!

Gettysburg Mom said...

So pretty! Thank you for a great giveaway!

Marly said...

Sign me up, please!

Angela said...

SOoo cute! Id proudly wear that said...

Please enter me in your drawing ~ I would be so happy to win this ring! Thank you very much!
djcregue at wmis dot net

Shane H. said...

Count me in please! Thanks a bunch.

T'aowyn said...

I love the anniversary style bands.

taowyn (at) gmail (dot) com

ADMIN said...

What a pretty ring! I love czs. Please enter me and I'd love it if you'd come by my blog and enter in my give away.

Jen said...


fyjules said...

It's a very pretty ring. I love to wear it.

MamaGames - Alexa C. said...

Very pretty! Thanks for the contest.

Rejoicing in the Lord said...

This really has been fun! I've discovered so many new blogs! Thanks for participating!

Katie said...

Pretty. Please enter me . katie_mmartin [at] yahoo (dot) com

ariyana9501 said...

A gorgeous ring! I'd love it!

Jenna said...

It is a very pretty ring. Thanks for offering it.

you da mom! said...

that's awesome! please count me in. can't wait, thanks!

Anonymous said...

thats pretty count me in:)

Mary512 said...

thanks for the entry!

Hannah said...

oh it is a pretty ring..
have a wonderful day!

Truth said...

Beautiful ring. I noticed your a PK. My heart goes out to you. Did you feel like you grew up living in a fishbowl?

Hootyboosmom said...

Cool giveaway!! What a PRETTY ring! Thanks for entering me!

SkylineHIghClassOf2000 said...

this is gorgeous. enter my drawings as well...

Audra Marie said...

Very pretty. :)

Thanks for the chance to win! :)


Britt said...

oh I love it!! Great giveaway, thanks!

Gloria said...

That is pretty! Please add me to your drawing :)

Keryn said...

I hope I win! volcano at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway. Count me in!

Sheila said...

Please count me in! Thanks!

Jenn said...

love it!

Tina said...

Very cute!

Cherie said...

What a lovely ring. Please count me in. Thanks!

Tisa said...

Very pretty! Please count me in! ~ :) Thanks!

Jon and Sarah said...

very beautiful!

Linda SS said...

Pretty! Thanks for the chance to win:)

Sara Russell said...

Beautiful ring. Thanks for the chance to win.

megret7 said...

How gorgeous! count me in, please! ( )

Unknown said...

Please enter me in your contest said...

Am I to late to enter.

Gorgeous Ring.
