Wednesday, January 2, 2008

We got snow!

Not a lot, in fact not even enough to cancel our workday today, but still....enough that we aren't going back to school tomorrow! Wheeeee!

When I was little, we used to get REAL snow around here. I mean, a foot or so! But not children have barely gotten to go sledding. I really hope that they eventually do get to see snow like we had when I was little, cause it was so much FUN!

So yes, I went back to work today. We had an emergency practice drill at one of the county elementary schools, and though it took quite a bit longer than we had anticipated, it was eye opening to me. It was very different to be on the 'other side' as a student (I was pretending to be one) and not have any idea what was going on. I think it will change how I react to the students in such drills or, Heaven Forbid, shall anything like that ever take place where I am teaching.

And then I went back to my school, where I chatted with my coworkers, went to lunch, and finally did a tad bit of work! That is the worst I have EVER done as far as not getting things done on a workday!

So here we are on day 2 of Blog 365! I've remembered 2 days in a row! Only 363 more to go! LOL

Oh, and I am going to add a blinky or two to describe my thoughts and what is going on in my life with each post. Enjoy!

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Katrina said...

I'm beginning to hate snow, just because I hate shoveling it off my car, and the fact that people seem to forget how to drive in it every single year. Le sigh.

My favorite snow-related memory, though, was going up to the top of my street with my dad (and the hill is very steep and not plowed that well) before the plow came through and we'd go sliding down the hill with my mother freaking out at the end of the driveway that we were going to get hit by a car or something. And then we'd crash into the frozen pond on the side of the road so we wouldn't cross the busy street at the bottom of our hill.

Thinking about it now, it probably wasn't that bright, but it was just so much fun!

Robin said...

Hey Christi! I love the blinky thing. I "borrowed" it. Hope you don't mind. I need you to teach me how to do all of this blogging stuff. I am getting addicted I think.
We used to sled at the hill beside of Olivia's house. The most fun was when all of Hollyfield would go at night. We built a bonfire and just had a good time.

Anonymous said...

We don't get snow. I have only ever seen it once in real life. LOL

Lydia Netzer said...

Wow -- how can you WISH for snow!??! Hehehe. We live in Virginia -- and just got back from Wisconsin where they had MASSIVE amounts of snow -- I couldn't believe how awesome it was to get back to the South where we can ride bikes in t-shirts in January!

Misty said...

365???? I can't even imagine. NaBloPoMo did me in. :)

It's nice to ease back into work though... :)

Trysha said...

I wish we had more snow here in Southern New Mexico. Right now it's 45* and clear. Sometimes we get snow on the mountains, but not very often.
What a great way to ease back into work. Most times I feel like I don't get much done at now when I'm reading blogs. :)

ohAmanda said...

Fun! we don't get snow here, either!